English Stories

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Trust and betrayal

It was night time, Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz (RA) lit a lamp and was working on official papers, so the servant informed him that a gentleman has come to meet him. The conversation continued in the semi-darkness. When the guest left, you, may God be pleased with him, lit the lamp again and got busy with work. I am authorized to do official work only, if I spend this light for personal meeting and other work, then it will be a betrayal of trust,



Some people came as guests to the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and he ordered one of his Companions to take them to his house for the night. His wife told him that there is little food in the house. The companion said, “Don’t be sad, bring food. When everyone sat at the table to eat, the companion put out the lamp with an excuse. It showed that while they were eating, the guests had eaten their fill and both husband and wife went to bed hungry. The next morning it was said to the court of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) that you showed good hospitality that night. By doing this, you have attained heaven


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